Visual Communication NYP\
Aspiring Illustrator, loves birds\

Oh, Doctor. You keep my mind afloat everyday. I hope everybody else who sees this will travel to Gallifrey, discover its beauty and fill this space with their experience there.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."

Fast nuff graduating soon!
Loads of worries and pressure though.
Thoughts just flow on and on, endlessy. Suffocating.
Truly understood why drama always portray jobless cast so depressed.
******************carry box loosen tie****************

Hope to get into companies real soon.
A period of time felt so neglected and futile, too much concerns about future.
I know worrying's pretty much dumb.
Just felt down with everything, much sadness..

There wasn't balance in what Im doing.
& what was needed is to hop outta the box, really.
Just feel old nia.
Old, old, oooohhhhwwwld!


Till now still did not really understood why questions keep probing.
"New" sounds pathetic. I Hate that word.
What I thought was concern might just be otherwise.
And when you get used to it, explanation is, redunant.

You know you're mature enough to let things go,
Let it slip through your grip,
Light enough to not matter.

Take it easy, go with an open mind, appreciate the moment and don't stop.
Getting started is always harder then continuing,
don't fear the inability to the other side,
flow with the current,
seize the moment.
Do it for the journey 

 Preping artworks and looking forward to days ahead!

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Layout by tentylers. Image from weheartit.